Is there a MB listed there, or does the old system have a AM2+ socket already?

Beware, during my research I found a few motherboards that slow down when used with the AM2+ processor instead of an AM3 or 4. Pushed me to go to the Phenom II line.

BTW, I got a MB, Phenom X3, with fan and 2 gig RAM for $184, not sure how yours adds up all things considered. I had case, IDE drives and power supply laying around. All parts assembled already so I didn't need the thermal-juice. MB handles 6 SATA and 2 IDE if powersupply does, also supports hardware RAID.

And for those interested, I received it Saturday, assembled Sunday and it is a nice system so far. Clips along pretty well. They actually sent a better processor and motherboard than I ordered. Processor is faster, better reviewed, and MB had HDMI (which the one I ordered didn't).
Now to add the RAID stuff. Gotta find an affordable set of 4 SATA drives.

Then to see if RB works in Server 2008, just for fun. If not, I may switch the OS to Win7 Pro.

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome