Hi Martin

Thanks for weighing in on this and you make valid points about lyric rhyme - I read the links as well.
I think this whole subject of rhyme would be well-suited for the Off-Topic Forum because there are different ideas on how to construct song lyrics.

My belief has always been that I don't sacrifice my story in an effort to find an exact rhyme.
A good tight, simple rhyme does help your listener remember the lyrics but then again it also
tends to keep song concepts pretty simple . . . or steers you story for the sake of the rhyme.

I use a lot of near-rhymes in the search for story ideas, or holding to story ideas. In fact I have a song that I posted here titled Should You Find Me and is on my webpage, that was mostly blank verse - amazing to me but that's the way the song came out.

Ultimately, lyric construction is what we feel comfortable with individually - mind you we can also get too close to the song, so it never hurts to have a closer look. And you've given me reason to have a second look, and for that I thank you for the input. I think the current lyric structure works here, but probably wouldn't work with another type of song.
This is a very interesting link about rhyme and near-rhyme - which is very valid.

Cheers and success - Ian

My "Original Tunes" Site
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