
thanks john i only asked as im having problems getting the volumes to stay i`m using garritans aria and its very hard to keep the volumes at a level they seem to drift when you shut down the mixer on the Aria which you use first to set the volumes on the tracks you use the big band and jazzband instruments on,so you can never get the tracks volumes to stay ok over all and the main mixer seems a bit useless overall

regards Dave

Dave, you have a confusing way of writing but if I'm understanding you correctly, your problem with individual track volumes can be related to your midi file itself. There have been tons of posts about that problem especially with midi files you download from the internet. Check your event list (hit F2 per track) to see if there's any embedded CC7 volume controllers. If there are then that's your problem. You can change the sliders all you want but as soon as you hit play again, RB is reading that embedded volume and changes it back. You need to either be aware of that and work around it or delete those and create new ones. If you delete all embedded CC7's then your mixer moves and volume sliders will stick. The reason I say you may want to keep those and work around it is because some midi's I've downloaded are actually very good and the person wrote in some good dynamics into the file. Once I realized what's happening I also realized I didn't want to delete all those because I like having some dynamics in most tunes. Other midi's, those CC7's are not for dymanics, they're just for the overall track to track mix and the mix in the file doesn't work with the synth I'm using so those I will either change or delete.

This situation is why people shouldn't lump Real Band with Biab. They're totally different programs. RB is a audio/midi sequencer and it's designed for this kind of detailed work with midi files, Biab is not. Plopping Biab's mixer into RB would do nothing with embedded CC7's in a midi file.


Biab/RB latest build, Win 11 Pro, Ryzen 5 5600 G, 512 Gig SSD, 16 Gigs Ram, Steinberg UR22 MkII, Roland Sonic Cell, Kurzweil PC3, Hammond SK1, Korg PA3XPro, Garritan JABB, Hypercanvas, Sampletank 3, more.