Jford had a good point, about not being able to select certain tracks from the chords view, you could select a range of bars, but it played all tracks. But last i check no other DAW had a Chords view, so really that is not a deficency really. That view is not for soloing and testing parts of track per se.

Is not the mute button the same as a reverse solo?

Could you not open the chords view above the mixer view and highlight a range or bars and mute the tracks you do not want to hear, and leave the others "live"?

Seems like a decent workaround for now.

I remember a discussion a few years back on another forum board regarding the difference between mute ansd solo. Seems that they do exactly the same thing only backwards.

I also remember Rharv telling me once that all the tools are there, they are just a tad different from usual. Kind of the OP's point i think.

Lenovo Win 10 16 gig ram, Mac mini with 16 gig of ram, BiaB 2022, Realband, Harrison Mixbus 32c version 9.1324, Melodyne 5 editor, Presonus Audiobox 1818VSL, Presonus control app, Komplete 49 key controller.