I'm projecting late September. Of course that depends on time and/or unforeseen circumstances, as we have to:
  1. Listen to the song on YouTube or anywhere else we can find it
  2. Listen to the song as it came back from the style-picking sub-contractor to see if it meets our expectations (it almost always does, but in very rare cases we will override his stye choice - nobody's perfect - not even us)
  3. Listen to the BiaB song following along in the book checking for chord typos (again - sometimes they get by the first or second check)
  4. Analyze the way it sounds and if necessary simplify the chord ONLY if the extensions sound bad due to the way BiaB harmonizes a particular chord with a particular style in a particular musical situation
  5. Do the same for pushed chords, sometimes they sound MUCH better on the beat and don't destroy the song by being on the beat
  6. Create an installation routine for PC and Mac
  7. Create a web page and shopping cart cgi code
  8. Modify all the other pages that link to fake books(add a link) including all 29 other Norton Fake 'Disks", David Bailey's Fake "Disks", Roy Hawkesford Arrangement "Disks", Jim Wedd's chord substitution "Disks" and Sherry Mayrent's Klezmer-in-a-Box "Disk"

It's time consuming, plus I also have to manage the day-to-day operations of Norton Music, and have a life as a gigging musician.

It's all good.

My life is very busy, I have only watched two TV shows since 1985 (1) Johnny Carson's last "Tonight" show and (2) a Jay Leno "Tonight" show for comparison. (I've seen snippets of TV shows when I visit my mother-in-law but she will turn it off in a few minutes when we come to visit.) I'm definitely not complaining. I'd rather spend my life actually doing things that live my life vicariously by watching actors pretend to do things.

Full disclosure: If you use the link in my previous thread to buy the fake book, or if you go here http://www.nortonmusic.com/amazon.html and click the Amazon link I will make about 2.5% of the price of the book in commission.

I used to sell the books myself but since I don't buy in huge quantities and by the time I pay shipping from the wholesaler in Fort Lauderdale to my home in Fort Pierce, the book costs me a bit more than Amazon sells it for, and you can get free shipping from Amazon where I would have to charge you shipping and/or raise the price of the book in order not to lose money. So in order to save you money, I just send the business to Amazon.

Some great music, and some great singers are being exposed to me. David Phelps in the Gaithers is one incredible singer, and although I don't remember the names, some of the African-American gospel singers make the hair stand up on the back of my neck (in a good way). I'm glad we are doing this book. Thanks Stan for suggesting it.


Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks