Pat I've bought 5 'sets'.

Yes sometimes you need to hunt for a style, or you don't like the one that is there.

The early Rock and Roll one I bought recently just needs intros, some changes to endings etc.

Try and buy books with good binding that you can turn. I just bought (Nothing to do With Notes Norton) a 'Dummies' fakebook. Wow, they had to really stretch songs so there was just one bar on page 4 and then a repeat to page 1 then Signo etc. I swear it's just so you can't photocopy the thing or play it right. I got so frustrated.. but that's sort of off topic.

Go to the website, pick a fake book.
Check it on Amazon (as Bob tells you to).

Order book, download chords, open book, play, change the style a bit, and Bob's yer proverbial uncle. It doesn't hurt, trust me.

John Conley
Musica est vita