Thanks. Complications, the doctor signed release forms but the 'intensive nursing care facility' is releasing her "against medical advice" - hopefully that's just a CYA phrase for lawsuit avoidance (Arlene wouldn't sue anyone anyway).

She has been in hospitals/recovery/nursing for 8 weeks now and is mentally more than ready to be home.

We went to her apartment yesterday, I installed 2 phone extensions so she will always be near one, we picked up scatter rugs and anything else she can trip on, cleaned it up, and stocked the refrigerator with easy to prepare foods.

I guess we'll be spending some time there until we feel confident she can manage by herself.

Spinal cord surgery is a 'pain in the neck' (can't lose our sense of humor)


Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks