What confuses me is that the doctors released her, but the nursing care facility released her AMA (Against Medical Advice). Didn't they confer first? Who shall we believe?

She seems to be doing OK so far. She still has that huge neck brace on, and probably will have it on for months. She has a walker and uses it to move around her apartment "just in case". We've stocked her kitchen with easy to prepare and ready to eat food, and we spend as much time with her as we can.

Fortunately she has good medical insurance. Besides for Medicare her husband retired from the U.S. Military so she has the widows benefits.

Personally, I'd like to see the US go to nationalized medicine with a system similar to France and Taiwan -- they seem to have made the best judgments. But that's a political hot potato so this is not the forum for that debate. Fortunately, she's covered and can make the co-pays.

Arlene is the only parent left that Leilani and I have. Mine are both gone. It's sometimes a little sad knowing our generation is next in line. But there is nothing we can do about that except to try to enjoy every day to it's fullest.

Giving of ourselves to help Arlene is sometimes wearying, but it is also joyful to be able to help someone you love.

Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks