True. We spend most of our life blissfully ignoring our mortality. Then something happens like the loss of your parents to temporarily jolt most of us into reality again.

When I lost my mother, I was talking about it with a patron at a Yacht club where we often perform, and she agreed about the shock but remarked that if I thought that was difficult, just wait until you lose a sibling.

Life on earth is fragile. Although we would all like to believe in some afterlife, there is no proof. So for me the secret is to live each day to the fullest and enjoy it as much as you can while living a life that will get you to the 'good place' if there is indeed an afterlife like the clergy have all promised us.

So far - so good with Arlene at home. She spends a lot of time in an easy chair watching TV, but then if I had her challenges, I'd probably do the same. With the neck brace, she can't look down to read and car rides are risky. She of course can't drive yet, but an accident, (even something like being rear-ended at a stop light), with her still healing vertebrae could leave her paralyzed from the neck down.

Good news, she has gotten enough sensation back in her left hand to be able to pick moderate sized things up without looking.

Thanks again for all your prayers of support and your patience for the new disk release.


Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks