Please let's end this here. I never said that RB wasn't a product that came from a melding of Powertracks and BiaB.
I never said it had less features than PTPA, I said it had more and I never said it was less powerful than anything.
My only point, which I seem to not have made very well, was that I don't use it. That's all.
And yes neither one is on the same level as Reaper. That's why I still use PowerTracks. Otherwise I'd be using Cubase.

This was never meant to be a debate on which is better. I thought I made that clear. It is just my preference in the way I work and what I use. If any of my information about Realband has been wrong, it's only because I used what other users here have said on the forum and not from my own experience. I'm sorry if anyone thinks I dissed Realband, but I haven't, at all. I just don't use it the same as others have stated in this thread. The replies to my posts are just plain provocative.

Please stop, I agree with you. To everyone who uses RealBand, Wayne doesn't dislike Realband, he just doesn't use it! Make believe I had a megaphone and was just making an announcement. Anything else would imply I'm angry. I didn't use all caps, because that would say I'm angry and I'm not.

This really should have stopped with, "You are certainly welcome to your opinion Wayne" We both are. If anyone else feels they need the have last word and correct me, knock yourself out.

I come onto these forums and post trying to help. I spent some time telling Eddie about another problem he was having with recording. I told him about my battle with USB ports and hubs. Maybe it wasn't Eddie, maybe it was in this thread, I don't remember anymore.

Wayne, thank you,