Well Wayne, the reality is that I am diabetic due to exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam. I am the type who has to be dragged to a doctor, so for YEARS there was no reason for me to go in for more than the occasional stitches, a shot of something for a throat infection, etc... never anything that involved blood work. At 52 my then wife kind of pushed me to my 50 year tuneup and that included blood work, EKGs, all of it. Complete top down physical including "the glove".

Well, "the glove" was and still is okay but at that point I was told I was diabetic. So doing the math, the Agent Orange caused it, and I did not know until 30 years later, thus did not treat it for 30 years, and MUCH damage was already done. I am sitting on 60 now and realistically I have 7-8 years left. I am good with that and my main concern is that if my dog is still alive she does NOT go to a shelter. That is actually in my will, that if she is alive when I go my executor takes her in. My house and all is to be sold and any profits go to the animal shelter where I got all my dogs, and that is my legacy.

Now to get this ONE CD out and maybe sell 100 units..... that will be my musical legacy.

But the point of the post is that yes, sometimes a story or a comment will trigger a thought of something that happened. Had I need 20 yards closer to where that mortar landed, who knows if I'd be here annoying everybody when my temper takes control of my brain?

And now to go out with my dog one last time for the day and off to bed for me.

You have a great night as well.

I am using the new 1040XTRAEZ form this year. It has just 2 lines.

1. How much did you make in 2023?
2. Send it to us.