
Stuck at the moment:
I cannot seem to get the midi into the VLT to control harmony. How do I know? primarily because the manual says I should be seeing the midi LCD's on the VLT blinking to indicate traffic but I see no blinking lights and second my ear does not hear the harmonies changing with chords.

You guys (gals) with a voicelive, do you see the midi LCD's blinking when you send a midi signal to the VL?

check list:

1) your track is set to the same midi channel as the device?
2) Is a port assigned to it? is the track using the same port?
3) if it's a USB connection, in your MIDI device selection, is the USB device selected as one of your midi devices?
4) or, if it has a regular MIDI input, is the port assigned to the device physically plugged into the device?
5)is and the connection solid? Not partially plugged?
6) is the device turned on? does it get its power from the USB cable, or a wall wart?
7) are you sure the MIDI or USB cable is good?
8) if plugged into a power strip, is the strip turned on?

Um, that's about all the reasons I can think of for it to not work.
It's gotta be one of those things... either that, or it's something else

first thing I'd check is the port. People tend to get the channel right but forget that the port needs to match too.