Hi Peter,

I actually learned about the Woodshed feature almost immediately after posting here. Thanks for adding that! I don't have BiaB 2012 (yet), so I can't use that feature until I upgrade.

I think the Woodshed feature is great! I just think it's missing one small part.

My idea of "woodshedding" is that you start slow on the first phrase of a song, and keep looping that, gradually increasing speed as you become more comfortable with it. Once you're all set with that phrase, you jump to the next phrase, starting slow again and working your way up.

In a song with a large number of phrases (for example, any of the Master Solos series), you basically need to manually step to the next phrase, set up the looping, and (at least as far as I can see) reset the woodshed looping speed to its starting point. That's a lot of steps. It would be nice if there was a hotkey that could just jump to the next phrase and reset the woodshed tempo to its starting value.

This would allow you to set up the woodshed feature once with the settings you like, and then proceed to learn the whole song by toggling through all of the phrases with a single key.

It's actually possible to emulate this kind of behavior by using the notation window and setting up the Loop Section controls in a certain way. I posted about this here:

Thanks a lot! My BiaB 2012 order will be placed shortly!