1. Do you use the "Merge Audio and DXi to Stereo Wav file" as shown below?


2. Does the Realband song play properly in stereo when you play it in Realband before merging?


3. Are you using MME or ASIO as your soundcard driver?

ASIO for recording, but have tried MME, both produce a MONO .wav file

4. Are you using Realband 2011.5?


5. Is your operating system a 32-bit or 64-bit system?

64 bit Windows 7

6. How do you get the song-file to Realband? Are you "dragging and dropping" or simply opening the BIAB directly in RB?

I open a BIAB file.

Also, the 'mono' box is NOT checked in the Mixer window.

Thanks Noel !