Mac, as usual you are right on target again. I did not know you could load the PG graphic EQ as a VST plug in. This is part of the continuing education of old school Eddie who still uses an A/DA flanger and wishes my Echoplex hadn't broken. I have yet to wrap myself around the term "DAW", opting for "Sequencer", and I still think of VSTs as "soft synths". Like my soft synth B3, my soft synth Prophet 5.... Much the same way I don't believe in "previously titled automobiles", though I have owned used cars.... The concpet of the VST plugin was lost on me until this thread. I know to load "the synth rack" in Sonar, which is the same as loading VST instruments, but in different terms. This same old school thinking is why I prefer to mix on a mixer and not on a screen.

Scott, as far as "my foghorn voice", I just don't like that I am so nasal, but you are maybe the 5th person to point out the reality that I can't sound like anybody else but me, and the quest for good EQ was not so much to change anything about my timbre, but to make me sound less like I am singing through a Pringles can, or ne of those Swedish horns on the Ricola commercials.... Actually it is when I ADD any EQ to my vocal tracks looking for that perfect, ear pleasing texture is when they go bad. I am just that over achiever type who always wants mo' betta.....

I am using the new 1040XTRAEZ form this year. It has just 2 lines.

1. How much did you make in 2023?
2. Send it to us.