
... No 'make separate files' button - un-ticked 'Merge in Audio track' - same thing?? .....

Any ideas?.....

Like Noel, I assumed you had 2011, but it appears you have a much older version, and I won't be able to help you with that. The only thing I might suggest is that you can save to a midi file and then open that in cubase. The command is 'make a standard midi file' and it's found in the 'file' menu. That goes way, way back, so I'm pretty sure you have that lol.

Have you thought about upgrading. I know it's a lot of money, but it's also endless hours of entertainment. In my opinion, there is no other program out there that delivers more bang for the buck.

Edit: Another thing occurs to me. If you're routing midi back to your keyboard and getting sounds from it, then you do need to record those sounds first. The render to wave only works when you have a virtual synth assigned.