
Just interested to know what styles of music, whether covers or originals, whether for fun or commercially, what.... hang on I'll write a list of q's... answer any you feel like, add more if you like!

What styles? As a composer, I find that I've been creating electronica over which to play guitar. I deal a lot in objets trouvets--found objects--which can be software, people, or new instruments which take me in unexpected directions. RB is going to add an interesting new dimension to this. As far as playing with others, it depends largely on who I am playing with. At core, I'm a blues guitarist--but it doesn't sound like it when combined with electronica and 'acid dixieland' (trust me, you wouldn't like it). I also play fingerstyle acoustic guitar and bass.

Covers or Originals? Originals; I consider myself a composer first. OPS (Other Peoples' Stuff) palled on me about three years ago. I've largely rejected all that I have done before and have taken a completely new course.

Fun or commercial (or somewhere in between!) Has to be fun if I'm doing it for myself. I do want to market music on the Internet to generate residual income, and play live for giggles and short-term cash.

What human instruments do you add to your Biab/RB arrangements? My primary musical instrument is the Personal Computer. I am fascinated by automation. There is and will be a lot of nonhuman stuff. But when I get RB or another DAW working there will certainly be my guitar and electronic accents. I have a background in choral music and would like for voice to be a large element of what I do.

Do you port your tunes from BIAB into another DAW (eg. Sonar etc) to finish them? I sometimes port BIAB GM files into Reason, with great results. I have Nuendo and RealBand. I really wish it was easier to port files between these programs, or to link them using Propellerhead's ReWire.

Do you play live with Biab? No. I may use tracks that I create with it, but I doubt I'll ever use the program live.

What are you currently working on? The 'acid' thing above is an ongoing monster--can't even dignify it by calling it a project, since projects usually have goals--that I've been with for the last seven years. But it has given me free rein to develop my electric guitar skills.

I'm talking with someone now about doing a live folk-jazz act and looking for other opportunities to play live. But now that I have the hardware in line, I will be working on a backlog of originals.

Last edited by Ryszard; 02/06/09 05:17 PM.