Although in many songs, each chord cell ends up being a measure, if you look at it that way you'll eventually run into the very problem you are talking about. Don't think of the chord cell as a measure, think of it as a 4 chord cell. If you need more than 4 chords per measure then you need to change your timing and use more than two cells per measure.

Since the timing of each instrument's riffs in a style would be different if used with a one cell measure or two cell measure, not every style will work if you use two chord cells for one measure. Therefore, this is more a function of the style than it is a function of the program.

Note Norton sells a lot of styles (which he calls EXPANDED styles) that are specifically made for this purpose. There are also some PG styles that work too, but I don't think the style picker filters for that particular style feature.

I think a good alternative to rewriting the BIAB engine would be to include a bunch of expanded styles with the next version, and provide a filter for those styles in the style picker. That way anybody who needs more than 4 chords per cell can quickly find a suitable style to accomplish the task at hand

(Maybe PGM could license some of Bob Nortons expanded styles...? that would simplify the task of providing them, and would reward Bob for all the contributions he's made)

The inclusion of expanded MIDI styles would also entice some of the "MIDI ONLY" crowd