
then I say good riddance.

Might be a bit harsh. I encourage Swanman to stay and also respect his right to go, if he feels harassed, but I also have to say that internet harassement can be a royal pain. We had an internet idio who set up bogus web sites using my daughters id and image. Who for a year and a half sent men to our home, to her work, etc (pretending to be her and inviting them to drop by) at all hours of the day and night. Local law enforcement seemed unable to do anything, inspite of the fact we had a name, and address, emails form people he sent, and even voice mails left on the phone uttering threats and acknowledging that he was doing it (not saying it was him, in fact pretending to be someone else from somewhere else, but some with a phone number tag, many where his voice was recognizable. We eventually moved and droped our phone number (one I have had for 30 some years) for an unlisted number. Still had a problem with some of my daughters not too bright friends giving out her cell phone number (this had to be changed a couple more times).

So, silvertones, (while I agree a little, if fact I have already said I hope he stays by Good bye if you must go) I have to say we do not know how much the harassement has rubbed Swanman. I did not think we would give up our phone, I had it for most of my adult life, but in the end after hundreds of strangers dropping in in various states, at various times, after having a rock put through our window, after considering the risk to the family, I let our staker win a small victory, we move (we were planning to anyway) and gave up our phone, public address, etc.

So perhaps "good riddance" is a bit too harsh.