I can see both sides of this issue. I use both midi and RTs in my cover songs. For original work i use mostly RTs, and live played tracks.

Back to covers which is what bob is talking about. I use a combo because i want the best of both worlds. Here is my method:

1. I start with a midi Kar song from the net, and pop it in RB.

2. I assign Rolands TTS synth top all the tracks, and play it through all the way checking for track sounds, and chord changes, lyric and chord symbols accuracy.

3. Open up Sampletank, and jamstix in the synth rack, and begin to audition the tracks one at a time for better sounds. I look for more reaslistic synth sounds for all the instruments. Piano, Guitars, Bass and drums. I usually allow TTS to handle things like strings, and such that are mixed in the back ground, unless it does not sound right.

4. I try Sampletank, Cakewalk studio instruments, TTS, and Jamstix for drum sounds, if I want to stay with the original drum track that is similar to the original song.

5. I audition RTs and Rds for replacements where i am unsatisfied with the midi results. Sometimes i want a specific sound or just to somewhat kill the midiness of the track. No matter what you do, some instruments never sound right as midi.

6. I mix the panning, volume, and such to taste and save.

I understand Bob's idea, especially since he is playing live over it, mostly as a duo. As a Solo player it is just me. as a Duo, you want the backing tracks as simple and clean as possible, you are the show. You solo, or your partner does. As a solo player, I might solo on occasion, but not every song, as it all starts to sound the same after a while.

Also there is the decision, do I want this to sound as close to "the original" as possible, or do i want to do a "version" of the song. To do knock off covers you need to stay very original, and that is midi turf. To do version, you want a fresh take on the song, and RTs really lend a hand here.

Recently i have been playing around with some old western swing type songs, and older traditional country tunes from the 40s 50s and 60s. I love that old sound, but love even more to modrenize them a tad, and that is where RTs really shine. A midi file with solid samples, and a couple well placed RTs can just come alive.

Lenovo Win 10 16 gig ram, Mac mini with 16 gig of ram, BiaB 2022, Realband, Harrison Mixbus 32c version 9.1324, Melodyne 5 editor, Presonus Audiobox 1818VSL, Presonus control app, Komplete 49 key controller.