The software has been customer driven.

The purpose was to provide backing tracks like any music minus one program.

The evolution has been driven by the wishlist.

You can, if you want, generate hundreds of guitar parts from a chord sequence, and take them all and import them to your DAW. But now it seems the purpose is the sync the program, so it plays but sends a code to some product AVID makes and the two make a movie based on the time code? Sorry, but to be blunt I plain don't get it.

How is the Band in a Box driving some other software with realtime codes to sync stuff?


This, to my mind, has not been addressed. To say that every person on earth is blue except you and you need to conform, that's nice, but WHY? What is going to be earth shaking.

So far this week I've learned again that nothing in the music world that counts is done unless it is on a Mac, and if Band in a Box would only realize that and become totally MAC then they would be rich and buying yachts and hiring computer support people in a remote Indian village where Hindu customs mean we are closed today.

Now I've learned that the former is untrue because M. Yoda has pointed out that the whole universe has time code and Band in a Box can sell to every major studio in the whole Milky Way as we know it if they just...did x. Righto. I get it. Forget the wish list. The producers version with time code is out and for a mere 20,000 dollars a studio gets all of Band in a Box 13. Ha.

Please explain how this works, and what is the best way to make Band in a Box drive some other software and I'm buying it. Maybe if the box is pretty I'll get two. Gee, even right here in my sad studio I have 5 boxes that say Band in a Box, along with that GPO thing and the Sibelius 7 Mac made me buy. Golly.

John Conley
Musica est vita