I must have done something wrong! I followed all the instructions step by step and then I had no sound at all. Printed out all the instructions to make sure I did everything right. Had to go back and undo all the ASIO stuff to get any sound at all. I am so tired and frustrated that I think I will just go to bed and try again tomorrow. Thanks for the information though. I will go back to the Steinberg site tomorrow and see what I can find out.
I still have XP on my old laptop and think I will fire it up and transfer all my BAIB stuff to it and stop trying to do the seemingly impossible. I can go back to using Roland VSC which had the greatest guitar sounds and I won't have redo all the songs that I had used the Jazz guitar for my melodies. The jazz guitar on Coyote Forte DXI sounds like a toybox plunker. I have the Hard drive version of BIAB so it won't be that much of a problem. Must find a duplex connector for my cable internet so I can use it online. I hate having to unplug the HP with
WIN 7 everytime I want to download something onto the laptop. Anyone have any suggestions where one might be available?