To Joe: First make sure to try re-seating the hard disk as suggested. Also, make sure to do the thing about unplugging the power cable etc. If, after you do that, there is still no sign of activity when you plug the drive in, I suspect it is a problem with the enclosure.

Because even if you have no disk in the enclosure, I think you should still see a blue light flash when you initially plug it in. If you can, to troubleshoot try putting the disk in your other 2.5" enclosure (assuming it also has a SATA connection).

To Trax: That message does point to a problem with the hard disk itself. It doesn't necessarily mean that you can't get your data back though. First I would try a couple different computers, making sure you answer "no" to the format question. Do you have access to a Mac? Mac or Linux might still be able to read the disk if it is a filesystem issue. If the disk can be read by a Mac, you can at least easily copy the data off the disc, even if you can't necessarily write to it (without installing special software). On the other hand, if you hear loud clicking noises or the disk doesn't seem to "spin up" at all then it may be a mechanical issue.

PG Music Inc.