
I know just what you mean man . . . the part of your response that ALL musicians should hear loud and clear is "guest DJ's", man that blows me away. The audience actually is happy for another DJ to take over the record spinning duties.

Look I was away from music for quite a few years so I don't know how the DJ came to prominence but they sure must have had some good PR and one hell of a marketing plan. As now a days when most young, under forty to teenagers, think of music in a club or at a party they think of a DJ, not a duo trio quartet or full band.

I try my best to get the point across that instead of a DJ, why not get a real band as these days the price is not too far apart. Hell I see people planning very expensive party’s and weddings and when it comes to the music they think, “we need a DJ”, not “we need a band”, not we need a DJ.

Heck the spell check would not even let me type DJ in lower case . . . not that’s good PR my friend.


Last edited by Danny C.; 03/14/12 05:48 PM.