The facts are that most venues are not going to hire 4-6 piece bands anymore, and they have not been for quite some time now. If you do a little research you will find that this is one of the main reasons for the timing and success of the DJ. As before BIAB and some of the other backing tracks all a single act musician had was his instrument and maybe a drum machine, while the DJ had every song ever recorded. Therefore the odds were stacked in their favor.

The music business is like any other business you have to be able to adapt to the times and what the market is asking for, the great news for us is that BIAB has handed musicians, especially older guys like me, the tools to go head to head with DJs.

Yes I would love to have a group of live musicians to gig with but it ain't going to happen for too many reasons to list here. One of the main reasons being the gig would pay the same for three as I get for one, therefore no will work for these low fees. With this said I price myself competitively with djs in my area and my selling point is that I do play and sing live for the entire show giving them a full sound (yes they want backing tracks) while most DJ just play tunes and do their best to get the club patrons involved. Plus I know very well that some gigs I not only could not handle but I just don't want, your mileage may vary.

Bottom-line is that other bands (as in the old days) are not our competition anymore, it is the DJ . . . and with BIAB any musician worth his salt has enough tools in his box to be competitive.

Just my 25 cents worth, adjusted for inflation.
