
lip syncing to a mp3 track - now we have to draw the line somewhere. but it does anwere the age old question, "..is it Live or Memorex?"

yet its worth noting that Brittany Spears is generally considered to be an entertainer. And the ads say things like "LIVE IN CONCERT..."

After reading and evaluating all the observations made in this thread, especially Notes Norton's observations about people staying home to get their entertainment in the virtual world... I'd have to expand my definition of live entertainment to include anything in the real world (ie, NOT the virtual world) that includes real people on stage that are the focus of the audience's attention.

Stated differently, if you had to leave home and go somewhere to watch a real person put his/her ego on the line in any way whatsoever, it's a live performance by my new definition.

(This has been an Interesting and thought provoking thread)