
wow, where to begin?

I would cut off all my toes with a dull butter knife if it would get me a voice like yours. (more likely that maneuver would get me the voice of a pig-squealing old man who has bloody stumps instead of toes, but I digress)

Very nice song, especially in the simplicity of a sparse accompaniment. I would love to run the same basic song through several other styles to see what they might yield.

Yes, given the Ray Charles similarity in your voice, I would like to hear the song with a soulful praise and worship style that includes piano.

In terms of embellishing the song as it is, I would definitely ditch the drums, and substitute a track of slow sustained B3 organ chords at approximately the same place where the drums kicked in. Then maybe to bump it up another notch the addition of strings about 2/3 through the song would add audio interest and intensify the message.

But hey... 1,000 listeners would offer 1,000 potential changes. Bottom line is that you already have a very nice song here.

I appreciate the fact that you are using your music as a ministry of praise for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I wish you much success not only as a songwriter but mostly as a person who seeks to share his faith with others through music.