
Ryz should take the box home and install the BIOS upgrade himself. Had he done that in the first place, this whole nightmare would not be happening.

Can't guarantee it is a BIOS upgrade problem, but the signs have been pointing there from the beginning of this thread. DEFINITELY the next thing to try -- and quite often ends up being the last thing tried, as it is known to work.


If I felt qualified to do the BIOS I would have. I don't. I have stressed this to the technician, who tells me that he did do so. However, when I visited the Gigabyte site it appeared that there were several updates, including several that pertained specifically to audio. Whether he has done these updates I have no idea. I can't hold his hand.

Today they are going to try substituting the case, the only component which has not been replaced yet. If this does not work I will try to return everything and start again elsewhere.

"My primary musical instrument is the personal computer."