A very good song Rob, I really enjoyed this one.

As far as suggestions are concerned, I can only suggest things that I might tweak if I were mixing it:

1. On my headphones there is a Left bias to the panning. There's more stuff panned L than R and there's a bit of clutter once things get going, as the strings and backing vocals are in the same notes/octave area. I'd pan the acoustic guitar almost hard left, get BIAB to do a second one (it'll be slightly different hopefully, or use a similar style) and pan that one hard right, i.e. so it sounds like two guitarists. That will create a more solid sonic frame for the song, especially the intro.
2. A tiny bit of reverb on the lead vocal wouldn't go amiss, or delay if you want to keep the voice close and intimate.
3. Add a bit of 'air' EQ to the top of the vocal around the 14-16kHz area.
4. I can't hear any bass. Is there one? It should audibly enter with the drums.
5. The strings need to come up in the mix to add more substance when the second verse starts. Pan them a bit wider than 2 o'clock. Take them up an octave for the second chorus to add more interest.
6. There should be a cymbal crash at 1:05 after the drums come in with the fill.
7. The title that jumps out at me is 'Memories Won't Lie'.


Songs web site
YouTube Channel
BIAB 2019
Cakewalk by BandLab
Studio One 4