
Like the rest of you I to have been waiting for 2012.5. I think though that I have a better idea for PG. Offer a monthly update subscription. Allow us dielhards to subscrlibe to a service that provides a d/l every month of the latest upgraded stuff like completed real trackks and stuff worked out during the month. Charge us 24.95 a month. that comes to 299.40 a year. More than 2 $129.00 updates a year. yeh, with just 100 of us signing up for that they would have a monthly stream of $2500. That might pay the rent on buildings or server fees. Granted they would loose the upgrades every 6 months but they would also eliminate the need for providing new usb hard drives in large numbers. Seems like a no brainer to me.

I'd only go along with this idea if it could run alongside the end of year upgrade price.

To be honest I really hate monthly subscriptions services, some I can't get out of like broadband utilities etc, but I detest them.

I like the idea if you want to buy something, you only do so if you can afford it and pay a one off price as we do now every year for biab upgrades.

Everyone has different opinions I know.
