Let us know if this checks out. For now the closest thing I have found is Irealb..It is not compatible with Band In a Box but is similar. It is not nearly as powerful but plays back a proprietary format that has thousands of jazz fakebooks tunes. These books are legal since they lack melodies. It plays back based on selected style, tempo and key.

Since I have spent years using PG products I wish there was a way to use my huge library live. I quit using a laptop many years ago. I am an avid Android tablet user now. Based on my experience I am confident that tablets are becoming an essential tool for live performance. I use my tablet to play my Band In a Box tracks, and view lead sheets, lyrics or look up tunes in pdf fakebooks. I I have several thousand songs stored.

My guess is PG will address tablets in the near future. If not perhaps someone will do an app that transfers to a standard playable format.

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