My strategy is to have different computers for different uses. One for general use, one for music and one for business.

Prior to having the extra computers, I used different logins, ie. MUSIC, BUSINESS, PERSONAL, each having the email, network etc settings as I needed for that pursuit. For example in those days, I would have a lot of stuff turned off in the MUSIC login (not so necessary anymore)... but having different logins allows specific configurations.

Also, having different drives lets you keep the operating system separate from the app data, which always seemed to speed things up for me.

I also tend to keep folders on the desktop that have nothing in them but shortcuts. Therefore a MUSIC folder would contain shortcuts to BIAB, RB, SONAR, AUDACITY etc
A BUSINESS folder would contain shortcuts to EXCEL, POWERPOINT, ONLINE BANKING etc

That way I don't really have to organize the hard drive, because my method of finding the stuff is organized.

I'm sure you'll get a lot of answers to this. That's mine.