Old couch cushions should have foam in them. You could also look to craft stores for 2 inch foam. When I built mine, it cost me time. Yes. Time. I found a guy on Craigslist giving away doors. I drove 14 minutes each way to get them. Then I stopped at the U-Haul near me (if you are in the south, it'd be Y'all-Haul) and asked if they had any old moving pads or blankets they were looking to dispose of. They gave me one of the thick pads and 4 blankets. I laid the 2 doors down on the floor butted against each other and stretched the pad across them, then stapled the hell out of them all along the perimeter. And stapled some more. I emptied a staple gun twice going around those doors.

Now when I want to sing, I set the mic stand up, set those doors at about 75-80 degrees so it stands but closes me in, with nothing behind me. Any sound that would come from behind me would have to be reflected, and the thick pad absorbs everything. It is REALLY dead in there.

I also suggest keeping a spray bottle of Febreeze handy, as the air can get a little ripe singing up into a moving pad.... spray the thing liberally before you start or at some point you may go for a big gulp of air and come up empty.

And for me, I also do vocals with no room sound, all headphone. I don't want any bleed into the vocal mic. I suppose most people do that as well but I wanted to add that just in case.

I am using the new 1040XTRAEZ form this year. It has just 2 lines.

1. How much did you make in 2023?
2. Send it to us.