Finally had a little time to play around with my new You Rock Guitar, plugged into Realband on a Dell Inspirion E1505 laptop with an EMU midi cable interface in one USB port and the USB power cord from the YRG into another USB port.

I monitor the YRG through its built in headphone jack while listening to the RB song I'm adding to through the laptop's external speakers.

This setup delivers no latency as I play, which I was getting when I tried playing through a Toneport UX-1 on my Dell Dimension XPS desktop (which also gave me WAV instead of Midi tracks).

No matter what I tried on the desktop in Realband to get the Latency to get in sync, nothing seemed to work.

My question is how do I set up Realband so that it will play the same Midi sounds I'm hearing in the YRG instead of what it's translated into by the Realband Synths (Coyote Forte or GS Wavetable).

I can get those sounds as WAVs through the Toneport but can't use the Notation window to edit them.

Most of Midi is still a mystery to me as sometimes I can get the sounds I want and other times they disappear (though the track volume meter is still moving)but then I can get sound when I switch Channels but not always the sound I want.
But will keep on pluggin away til I get it.

Also Realband has shut down several times claiming problems with the Midi driver interface or some such thing.
Does this occur with Reaper or other DAWS?

Any help with info links or reeeeeally simple explanations would be appreciated.

After an hour or so of playing the YRG it started to feel and sound more like just like a "different" guitar to me and am really liking the wammy bar and also the similar effect you can get by moving the little Joystick/Multi Control button next to the Volume knob.

The Slide button lets you slide up or down 3 frets on the neck, no effect past that.

The Muting "bar" (actually 2 little chrome strips at the end of the bridge) seems to take a lot of pressure to activate, more of a "slap" down by the bottom end then a press and it's needed to stop some of the Synth effects which do not decay.

Maybe there's some way to increase the Mute bar sensitivity? Still much to learn.

Over all I'm glad I bought it and excited to learn more about how I can use it to get the notes out of my head and into Realband.
Will make a handy lightweight travel guitar when I travel too.
Well worth the money I think.

Will keep y'all posted on new developments.
