I just tried the same thing on a song and I did work exactly they way he said.

1. I put in the chords for the old Dixieland Standard "Just A Closer Walk With Thee" using a RT style of _DIXIELD.STY
2. Generated the song and it played using 100% RealTracks
3. Clicked on SOLOIST and used Solo Style 1865 Piano, Acoustic, Soloist WesternSwingJohn Sw 165\
4. When it generated the solo, the Solo went track from White to Green and it did play a pretty mean solo I must say.
5. Moved the solo track to the melody track as per the instructions
6. The melody track went from White to Yellow indicating a midi track was now present
7. Played the song again with the soloist track muted and heard the identical piano track playing in Midi format. I could tell it was Midi from the very cheesy Microsoft Wave Synth sound. God that is awful!
8. I then pressed F6 to create a standard MIDI file and once that was done, played the resulting MIDI file using the standard Windows Media Player.
9. Can some one explain this to me?
10. After doing all this, I absolutely have no idea what I am going to use it for but it sure was fun accomplishing it.

Windows 10 Pro