THANKS to everyone for your varied and INTERESTING comments. My wife is a GREAT jazz/blues singer who has been singing professionally since about age 12.

I'm a blues dog guitar and harp player.

Luckily, we don't have to gig for the money but want to present an AWESOME show...which can happen if I turn down! (-: (Actually, I can hang with the better cats on the harp...after 20 years of maniacle study and practice!

But my wife's first exposure to BIAB gigging was before we met and was therefore BIAB circa 1990-95 so you can imagine why she hasn't been overly excited about trying it out on gigs.

But I'm WORKIN' on it and will ask her to read these posts.

The comments about letting BIAB regenerate its tracks every time rather than freezing or burning CD's is INTERESTING. Maybe a little dangerous but interesting. (Sometimes...not too often... the tracks gulp a little when being newly generated. Maybe a PC issue, not a software issue...but a gulp is a gulp soundwise regardless). (-:

