FWIW...I'm somewhere in the middle of...the post is OK and the post is BS.

We really can't complain about a lack of new features when we admit from the get go that we haven't read the MOUNTAIN of Users Guide and tutorials.

I don't recall exactly but I think the User's Guide is like 300+ pages and there are HOURS of tutorials.

From what I can tell on this forum...the advanced users who have taken the time and trouble to REALLY dig into the software know pretty much immediately what the new features are...i.e. they GET IT...but have invested a BUNCH of time in getting as good as they are.

So, I think it is unfair to criticize the functionality of the software unless and until we have figured out how do use it.

And as others have pointed out, the additional RTs and the new Super Midis are worth the price of the entire upgrade. (I'm waiting for 2013 so I can't testify to the new midi tracks but even the 2010.5 RTs I have are KILLER in most cases.

On the other hand...twice a year upgrades my dilute the IMPACT of the new version vs. the existing. But keep in mind that a LOT of people (hopefully) are first time buyers and aren't "upgrading" at all.

So, as has been pointed out...if 2 a year doesn't float your boat, then don't buy 2 a year. I've bought in about every second or third year and haven't had any seizures in the meantime! (-:

Finally, in the price is the FABULOUS tech support from the PG folks which in my rather broad experience with tech support...being essentially a tech nincompoop...is THE best of breed...and I can't think of any other company that is even CLOSE.

That would be good enough but when supplemented by all the really talented and experienced users on this forum...it's just game, set and match for BIAB from a tech support point of view.

That is to be appreciated AND supported financially whenever doing so makes any sense at all for the user.
