I personally consider the upgrade a buy if I get one decent usable real track from it. The way I figure it is it would cost me a minimum of $50 per hour to get someone in to play a part for me. Two hours in the studio and it's cost me $100. I get the real tracks (101 every update) and use just one for my track and I'm even. Of course I get more than one useable real track in every upgrade so the others are just bonus. Now all of the other upgrades from upgrade to upgrade are also just gravy for me. If I don't use a thing in the new upgrade now I may later. I love BIAB. Don't use Real Band. So what? It's still there and someday I might.

I'm sorry but I can not NOT justify buying the upgrade every 6 months. I would probably buy an upgrade of BIAB every month if it was offered that way. And I really don't use it that much because I'm to busy with everything else! But when I do use it, its there and every thing that comes with it is there. I don't drink or run women so the wife lets me do BIAB. What a deal!

Dell 610 dual Monitor, win 7-10, Sonar Plat, ProTools 10 & 11, Reaper 4, BIAB/real Band 2022, Easy Drummer, Superior Drummer, Kontact Essentials, Personnel Orchestra, Korg Legacy Analog & Digital