Kind Souls,

Please direct me toward what I need to do to create the following task. I want to create a Dorian Minor mode backing track in a jazz swing style that plays over minor seventh chords and Dorian Minor scales. For example, I'd like to create a 24-bar song with three 8-bar phrases in the keys of F Dorian Minor, Eb Dorian Minor and D Dorian Minor. The minor seventh chord built on F would of course be F/Ab/C/Eb; on Eb, Eb/Gb/Bb/Db, and on D, D/F/A/C. This is straightforward. How, though, do I get the Dorian Minor scales to play? The Dorian Minor scale on F wound be F/G/Ab/Bb/C/D/Eb/F; on Eb would be Eb/F/Gb/Ab/B/C/Db/Eb; and on D would be D/E/F/G/A/B/C/D.

My motivation for this is to model it after the Jamey Aebersold How to Play Jazz and Improvise, Volume 1, 8-bar Phrases CD Track #2 , except that I want to transpose it through all twelve keys at various points in the circle of fifths. Um, the chords play as I expect them to, but I can't figure out how to force the scale tones into only those of the Dorian Minor mode. I'm using BIAB 2012.5.

I've spent hours reading through various Forum threads. There's a poop-load of information therein, but I haven't found anything on "modes" as yet. So, I'm just asking for some of you more experienced posters to point me in the right direction by steering me to the right forum thread or section, the applicable tutorial video, or the appropriate help topic.


P.S. Regarding doing my "due diligence", I'm now on day two of my forum reading. And while it's very informative reading, methinks that I could spend many more days at this before I randomly stumble onto the specific information that I an seeking. Cheers,



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Arthur C. Clarke