
It doesn’t matter if you like the song. That’s a matter of personal taste. There’s not a right or wrong opinion.

My issue was with you calling a woman you don’t even know a “skank”. That smells of self righteous right wing bullsh*t.

As far as “aging with dignity”, I’m at the point where I say what I think and I really don’t care what others think of it.

I try to be fair in my comments, but for you to call a woman you don’t know a “skank” based on a video is idiotic and sexist.

I don’t know her either, but she’s a good singer and based on her credentials, she’s a much more successful songwriter than either one of us.

I'll stick with what I said before:


To call her a "skank" is pretty ridiculous !!! Are you a you a total freakin' idiot, or just a partial freakin' idiot ??? NOTE: There's only 2 choices. Either way, you're a freakin' idiot.