Thanks guys.

My version of Cakewalk is pretty old. It came with a Win95 install system but still ran on XP (which is when I finally tried it and started using it after having quit guitar for 22 years and finally coming back to it). Its age is probably why they did not care to support it (even though I may have upgraded if they did). The other thing that happened is I reformatted my drive and re-installed cakewalk and my prior Cakewalk recordings could not be read by the new install. That was one reason I got interested in BIAB because I figured that would not happen with BIAB. I think I am all cakewalked out :-) Hah, it is no piece of cake :-) Sorry, I could not resist.

Being trusting is an interesting phenomena. It tends to begin to end when you start to run across people who can not be trusted and you become their victim. Being a numbers game at heart most people tend to get less trusting as they get older and some are just very lucky. I was tempted to include a new joke but I think I pushed my luck with the last one.

I think offering a free trial of the core engine and maybe one real track is probably all that they would need. Just enough to test all the feature (including notation for exmaple). There is no need to go overboard. It probably would save a lot of labor on returns too for both parties. It is called the "teddy bear" sales technique. Software companies use it because they know it is probably the most powerful marketing technique of all. In my case I figured I would be happy with the program if my machine did not cause a problem (like I said my friend of over 30 years love BIAB so I figure I can't go wrong if it will run that is). It is just that I am in no position to upgrade my machine these days so if it does not run I have no choice but to return it rather than start trying to figure out why and making it run. I am use to creating my own rhythm tracks. LOL - that old cakewalk was a big improvement over what I use to do before computers.

Last edited by bowlesj; 09/04/12 10:28 AM.

John Bowles
My playing in my 20s: