
@John (bowlesj), I'd be interested in hearing how this works out for you. I've been considering purchasing BIAB for at least a couple of months and, like you, would prefer to download a trial first. I have been reluctant to purchase since I truly do not know if I'll be satisfied with the results I get from the program. And in my case I'm pretty sure I would need the $500 package so its not a trivial amount to spend without being sure!

Side note regarding a trial...I'm pretty sure they used to offer one but I'd bet the main reason they eliminated it was due to piracy concerns. Most trials are just the full version that can be activated with a key and 10 minutes after you release such a trial the pirates will begin posting keys and cracks. I doubt size has much to do with it as you wouldn't need to provide many RealTracks with a trial and there are plenty of product trials you can download that are very large!

My use to start is not complex. 1/ Input the chords to all the songs I was learning after restarting guitar and use these tracks to practice (the guitar rhythm track will be me). 2/ later if I get Midi then maybe enter the notation to some old songs I wrote along with the chords to practice these as well. 3/ potentially write some new ones using Midi input so I can get the sheet music. To summarize this activity, it all has to do with socializing by playing in real jams as I use to do when I was playing in my 20s. I have been so busy that the social life has fallen off. This is a way to bring it back and hopefully BIAB keeps me inspired to keep it up. If you are curious about my playing way back at age 22/23 with a bit from age 26 here it is. The only think I can do better now is go faster with the new Herco extra heavy flat pick I use now. All the rest is a few notches backwards.

I can see what you are saying about hacking a trial version but still there are users like myself who 1/ have no idea how to hack and 2/ would not do it even if I could and 3/ would not buy from a hacker. Okay so the hacker has to pay for it but this probably sell enough copies to make that back. So it is a bit easier and a bit harder. I think the the free trial has a much bigger beneficial offset.

Last edited by bowlesj; 09/05/12 10:25 AM.

John Bowles
My playing in my 20s: