Bob (the OP), the article tells you the same thing we shared with you back 9 months to a year ago when you first started posting here, as it pertains to DIY approach or getting a record deal. Getting a record deal is nearly impossible. DIY is the way to go to make a little bit of money, follow rharv's example. Money is made these days at shows, with merchandise sales. That's almost all that there is. Get a great local following going - your 1000 true fans (read this website without any rose-colored lenses on ) and see if you think you can generate that kind of following. Try it. See if you can build it up to that point. If not, don't bother attempting a 'record deal'. No record company in their right mind will give you a deal if you can't show that you already have a fan base. Plain and simple. To think that a record company will sign you before showing this rather small-scale amount of fan support is delusional at best. The article takes some time to read and digest. You should read it before you approach any label or decide to create your own label.

Prove that you have generated fans on your own, then go after a deal. This will be hard work. It may involve profound disappointment. It may involve a serious shift in perspective and priorities as to why you record and create music.

The good news is that you can use what talent you might have and social media to help you get started. These are the lamp-post flyers of today.
