Thanks all.

There is an open source app for the PC called eraser that will wipe and over-write the HD area 35 times for the files I want to delete and the unused disk space as well. I suppose if I did a search, I could find something that would work on a Power PC Mac as well. The Atari's don't need it, no HD on those.

We have a recycling and toxic waste program in this county. Unfortunately it's not implemented well. I went to bring a couple of dead florescent light tubes in, I was told to get in line behind the garbage trucks, and after 30 minutes of breathing landfill and exhaust fumes someone took the bulbs. I'll never do that again.

I'm not really after a tax receipt, after all, $30 apiece isn't going to make any difference on what I pay on IRS day, but every $30 does help.

My first choice would be to donate them to someone who can actually get some use out of them. If not, then someone who could dispose of them properly.

I think if I go Craigslist, I should charge a nominal fee. That way it would go to someone who wants it rather than someone who is just getting things for a yard sale. I'd hate for someone unsuspecting to get it at a yard sale and then find out it's an abandoned OS.

I have an early, long, gig today, I'll check out the above options Monday.

Thanks again for all the suggestions.


Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks