Must be cold. My daughter called from Kent and told us they had a bit of snow and everything was in a state of shock. Even here, we've had a bit, but not to speak of. High today of 0C, -6 tonight. Won't be long, and nice N'or easter will whack us but good from Lake Huron. Last year we had over 100cm by now, mostly in one big dump overnight. That did mess up the morning drive to work in the wife's mini cooper. Myself I stay home and laugh. 10 cm and that Mini stays here and she hikes 3 blocks to the City Bus, which gets plows every hour or so, sand, salt, and thus things keep chugging, albeit later than usual.

Bit of bother, that snow business. I used to like it. I prefer warm beaches, palm trees and sand. I'm thinking of picking up the uke, portable, and if you sell it when drunk another is only a few bucks.

I suspect it's off to England in May or June to sort out the return of my daughter after 2 years, and her 'beau'. I sure hope they are not destined to live in my basement, I have precious junk down there and it's quiet. And I don't feed it from my pension.

My son, contemplating marriage to his girl friend/woman of the year, was told this advice by a dear friend of mine...

Forget marriage, buy some woman you don't like a house and car, start hating her now, and you will end up better off! I laughed loud and long at that, but the first time around was a disaster, the 2nd one I shopped for longer than a a fortnight, and that has worked out OK for the last 28 years.

I ran into a woman in a mall one day, who brazenly walked up and discussed the time of day and the price of potatoes in December. Strange large woman, of a certain age you'd forgive her for being perhaps senile or something. The next day my oldest son called me and told me my ex-wife met me at a mall, and talked to me. My wife said no wonder the witch had something familiar about her, she was eyeing my pocketbook again.

John Conley
Musica est vita