My ex wife had hearing issues but she was in the camp where she refused to believe it. She had hearing aids that sat on the nightstand next to the bed and then all night she asked me to repeat myself. One night I finally told her that even though I don't know a lot about hearing aids I am pretty sure that they have to actually be in the ears to help at all, and that she really needed to use them rather than asking the world to repeat themselves for her. She interviewed people for a living and I lost count of how many times I had to correct her articles before they went into the paper for things like someone named Thad being in the article as Chad. Stuff like that. Can it be worse than sitting through an interview only to see the columnist get your name wrong?

(Which also brings up the point if Thad is short for Thaddeus, why isn't Chad short for Chaddeus? But that's another post.)

I could NOT make her understand that needing hearing aids to hear is no different than needing glasses to see or a cane to walk. Yet she continued to bluff and once we were apart I saw at least 6 instances of things I knew were wrong in her articles. I'll take any assistance I can get! I actually started looking on craigslist for one of those whiplash collars. There's nothing wrong with my neck, but I am just getting tired of holding this block of cement I call a head head up on my own power.

Once we realize how important hearing protection is, it's too late. I know that now when I go to shoot I wear foam insert plugs AND the ear muff cans with double foam in them.

I am using the new 1040XTRAEZ form this year. It has just 2 lines.

1. How much did you make in 2023?
2. Send it to us.