nearly every style lists songs for which the style might work; but it's not comprehensive and usually only one or two possible songs are listed. Nevertheless, when I want to make a backing track of a cover song, the first thing I do is search the styles for that song name. (there is a search button in the style listbox... and there is a separate button to continue the search if the first hit did not meet your needs). Did you try that already?

This would be a good addition to Pwarren's WIKI: people could create and add to a list of styles that work with various songs. It would be particularly nice if the list were sortable so users could find the song without searching through thousands of entries.

I added a section to the WIKI so people can add to an ever growing list of styles that work with songs. If people contribute, this can be a valuable resource as it gains substance

Last edited by Pat Marr; 12/09/12 10:00 AM.