Even funnier Don is that we dubbed that girl "Buffalo Butt". Now the girlfriend I had then was the artiste type, and could sew. One day I came home from a gig and there was a note telling me to look at the dining room chair. She had gone out and bought a pair of HUGE jeans and using orange thread she sewed the outline of a buffalo's head on the right rear pocket. The guys had to (figuratively) sit on me to keep me from giving those jeans to that girl.

You guys pretty much know from my posts here what a smart @ss I am. There are so many stories like that I'd need my own forum.

Playing in Erie PA one Friday night. There was a couple sitting at the first table by the speaker stack on my side. The guy was wearing the worst Hawaiian shirt I had ever seen. Part way through the night after he had some beers he started getting a little snarky with is. I looked over and said "Hey everybody. We have a heckler. Right here in front. The guy with the short. Hey pal, did you lose a bet or wasn't your mother home to dress you?" After the laughter died down he yelled up "Yeah. Funny. What do you do for your real job? I know you aren't a musician." And without missing a beat I said "You're right. Normally I'm downtown lining up guys to ^%&# your wife." The guy jumped up and started toward the stage and 2 of our people grabbed him and yelled "Oh sit down. You started it! Get these 2 a beer."

Saturday night, they were right back at that front table. In MATCHING ugly Hawaiian shirts!!! They actually went shopping to find them!! I came in, we started with "Back In The Chicken Shack" as we often did. After that sing I looked over and smiled at them and just said "Wow. Touche!" And went on to the next song.

And that's the kind of crowd rapport I LOVED!!

I am using the new 1040XTRAEZ form this year. It has just 2 lines.

1. How much did you make in 2023?
2. Send it to us.