@MarioD: I still have Kontakt4 32 bit on my machine and that plays nice with Roland VS-100.
Increasing the latency of the driver in BIAB doesn't do anything.

@Noel96: I've had McAfee for many years, it was already installed before I installed 2010 a few years ago. Never was a problem. However, when I get home tonight I'll uninstall BIAB and Mcafee and then reinstall BIAB to see what happens.

@jazzmammal: I've done your 1-8 checklist and many variations on it but to no avail.

@Mac: The Impulse has no on/off switch, it starts up when the PC starts up, so that's no problem.

Gee, I feel like a whining child by now, saying "no, that's not it" at every suggestion you make. I'm sorry. Rest assured that I very much appreciate all your efforts, even though you may feel by now that we're grappling at straws. I am already in contact with support and as Noel96 suggested I have asked them to also look at this thread.