
I certainly understand how frustrating it must be for a career performer to lose gigs because someone else is willing to play for less (or even free) but isn't that precisely how our country works? The store on one side of town is losing sales to the store on the other side of town so they reduce prices to get back some of those customers. (I know there are a lot more factors than price but keeping it simple to make a point!)

If I own a small restaurant odds are I will make little to no money and likely be out of business in a few years. Most fail! So if I can find some excited young talent willing to play for free in order to gain experience while still providing an acceptable quality of entertainment to my customers I feel everybody wins. Except, of course, for the musician who feels someone unfairly took his paying gig which probably wouldn't have been a paying gig anyway.

You might feel differently if you were the working musician losing a job to a free player, John. Trust me.
But then, this is the internet, and one can "be" whatever one wants- a musician, a guru, a genius, a songwriter, pick a delusion. One only needs to make the claim.